Guest: Robert Aillon  

Hello and welcome to the Space Marketing Podcast where we explore marketing principles, strategies, and tactics through the lens of space. In addition to our audio podcast, we also have a companion video podcast that includes extra pictures and video from today’s guest. 

Our guest Robert Aillon is the person behind the push to have Ecuador in the space race. He is the founder of Leviathan Space Industries and president of Guayaquil Space Society. 

Our guest today is developing a spaceport gateway in Ecuador. He is passionate about spreading the vision of space throughout the country. Part of this effort is providing education and inspiration to its citizens in an effort to ignite excitement about the space industry and the future possibilities. His vision includes developing new space-focused industries within Ecuador that include developing technology research, manufacturing, science, trade, and space tourism for the new space economy. 


Guayaquil Space Society


Leviathan Space Industries LLC


Here are some marketing tips, and their related links, about some of the marketing strategies discussed during this episode. The corresponding pages are provided for a deeper dive into the listed strategy in Izzy’s book, Space Marketing: Competing in the new commercial space industry available at Amazon and Audible.  


Blue Origin Club for the Future

Tip: Education-based marketing (page 184)

Education-based marketing is a strategy that gives something to an audience that enriches their lives and is not direct-sales driven. The audience receives the initial benefit with no strings attached. Benefits to the host come later in the way of increased brand awareness, goodwill, trust, and spreading of an idea such as the space industry. The idea can brand awareness that can lead to future employees, business associates, and sales. 

Blue Origin Club for the Future is a wonderful example of education-based marketing. This program allows people to send a free postcard to space and receive it back again. As it inspires children to look to space as a possibility and plant the seed for STEM careers, it also promotes Blue Origin in a positive light in the minds of the future generation. 

Tip: Create an experience that delights (page 171)

Robert described the impact that Blue Origin’s postcard program had on the children when they received their postcards back from space. The children were delighted and inspired. This experience will stay with them for a long time, and they will keep this postcard for many years as a keepsake to remember that initial feeling. Blue Origin will be established in their hearts and minds as the creator of this experience and their postcard with their logo emblazoned on it will serve as a cherished keepsake. 

Delightment and education-focused gifts for your audience are powerful marketing tools that provide a win-win for everyone. 


GLEC IAF Conference 2022 in Ecuador

TIP: Create an event (page 176)

Robert talked about the recent GLEC IAF Conference 2022 in Ecuador. Creating an event is a great way to provide a vehicle to get your brand’s tribe together. This discussion with Robert proves that even after the event is over, participants continue to discuss the event. Keep your event live and add content, like session videos and recaps. This content to keep them coming back and provide a reason to send other people to your site. This effort will aid in growing the awareness of your event, providing value for your sponsors and speakers, and increase attendance to future events. 


Thunderbird School of Global Management from Arizona State University

Executive Master’s Global Management: Space Leadership, Business and Policy, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services

Tip: Education-based marketing (page 184)

Providing tools for career enhancement for your audience is a great way to introduce your brand and build awareness. This can be a series video courses on your website, YouTube, LinkedIn, SkillShare, etc., all the way to developing a unique education degree or certification opportunities such as this example from Arizona State University. 

Robert is a student of this program. Along with a specialized degree, this program offer opportunities to connect with business professionals creating a valuable network for leaders within the space industry.


Space Marketing: Competing in the new commercial space industry available at:


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