Izzy House

Marketing Expert and Space Nerd

About Izzy House: As the author of the book, Space Marketing, competing in the new commercial space industry and as the host of the Space Marketing Podcast, she aims to be a voice that helps guide businesses through the concepts of marketing. With an extensive marketing background and three marketing degrees, she turns the lens of marketing onto the space industry. Armed with 20+ years of experience in public affairs, outreach, and marketing, Izzy aims to empower space companies and further their dreams of space exploration.

“For me, marketing is about making a positive impact on the world with positive messages. It is about helping businesses grow that are an integral part of their communities. Many of the 600+ businesses that I have helped have been small businesses that provided jobs and support for their corner of the globe. I make a difference by helping them make a difference. I do this with marketing.”  

Space Marketing Podcast

Podcast Host:

Space Marketing Podcast (SpaceMarketingPodcast.com)

Take a journey with Izzy and meet CEOs, experts, and marketing professionals. Discover space industries and marketing strategies from her guests.

Space For Kentucky

Host and organizer:

Space For Kentucky Roundtable is an opportunity for companies and individuals to come together to bring a slice of the space economy to their area. Enjoy speakers, networking, and other events.  Each meeting has a different theme with a panel of experts.

Space for Kentucky Roundtable (SpaceForKentucky.com)

Space Marketing books

Author of Space Marketing Book Series: 

About the Space Marketing Book Series:

The space industry is changing. Over 70 countries have entered the space race. Marketing will become critical as more companies compete for business, investors, and contracts. The Space Marketing Series of books introduce marketing tactics and strategies through the lens of space.  This series of books provides solid principles for companies, organizations, or entrepreneurs.

Space Marketing: Competing in the new commercial space industry is a guide to the basic principles, strategies, and tactics of marketing. It walks the reader through the unfamiliar marketing fundamentals while using space-related examples along with case studies to demonstrate how to apply the concepts. 

Space Marketing: Spaceports introduces marketing principles and tactics to the spaceport industry. It provides insights from successful spaceport leaders and ideas on how to initiate a spaceport or other big initiatives.

It is the second book in the Space Marketing book series and addresses communication challenges with stakeholders, communities, and key leaders. It can provide valuable marketing and communication tools for building something audacious like a spaceport.

Short Bio

Izzy House has combined both of her passions of marketing and space into one expertise as the author of two books in the Space Marketing Series and the host of the Space Marketing Podcast. With an extensive marketing background, she turns the lens of marketing onto the space industry. Armed with 20+ years of experience in public affairs, outreach, and marketing, Izzy aims to empower and inspire dreams of space while making the planet a better place to live.